Jason Moungey
Consultant & Software Developer
Structured Consulting
Jason Moungey
Software Development
Jason has managed small and large teams, taking companies from ideas to profit.
Business Strategy, Software Development, Executive Operational Management, Finance
Professional Experience
2008 - Current
Founder & Manager

Operate electronics design/production business, managing an international supply chain and sales to name-brand customers (including Las Vegas Blue Man Group and the Twilight movie series). Raised start-up funding via Kickstarter.

2013 - 2019
Chief Operating Officer
Multistream Capital

Grew financial technology company from pilot fund to full operations with $5 million in equity, a $30 million credit facility, and sales through multiple channels. Managed teams of legal, software, marketing, and sales professionals.

2005 - 2013
Director of Engineering

Built and managed a 20-person team of software developers, designers, and business intelligence analysts. Grew the company into an online industry leader, increasing annual revenue from $400k to $20 million and web traffic from 10k to millions of visitors per day.

2001 - 2005
Software Engineer

Led targeted software development projects from idea to production, including data compression and securing intellectual rights. Coordinated and prioritized solution work in-person at several offices.

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